Sunday, January 11, 2009

YouTube FTW

Turns out I've become somewhat popular in other circles. You can find me on YouTube of all places. Auntie Luisa does a video diary and well.... here I am in all my glory!

Monday, December 1, 2008

When will Kittens Take Over the Earth?

Okay, I know it's been well over a month since I last blogged. And I know, you all expected more from me. After all, Dad started his new job at The Home Depot (THD for those in the know), and Mom was still working twice a week at Ferrum and full-time at VT. I had the run of the room. But I discovered something wonderful while they were away at work, the perfect catnap! Sleeping during the day is so nice and relaxing. And by the time Auntie Erika got home I was ready to run adn play and explore. Then comes dinner! I know some might complain, but I am just so curious about what the family is doing and eating I just have to jump on the table; smell or taste everything. Then there is the water issue. I love water in drinking glasses. By the time that's all over, Mom and Dad have monopolized the computers and I'm left roaming the house, chasing the other cats. Maybe someday they'll actually play with me.

I'm sure there is much to say, but its all so boring to recount the last week, let alone the last month. I will say it was nice to see Auntie Luisa this week. And I want to wish Auntie Sara a Happy Birthday, I know her birthday is sometime soon but I'm a kitten I can't remember everything. As for Mom and Dad.... Mom is good, a little stressed about the week ahead (which only makes matters worse when she tries to comb me; it hurts!) but she had a nice five days off this last week and soon she'll be done at Ferrum and she'll be taking even more time off around Christmas (I'm looking forward to my first Christmas tree!); and Dad is doing okay. Work keeps him busy, he works hours close to Mom which is nice for them. His new work shirts are funny orange, but I know when he's home. I think he misses the bookstore for some silly reason.

Well, Dad is finishing some new comics, so I better wrap this up soon. Gotta watch Chuck and Heroes with the parents tonight. They got me hooked! Of course, I'm still waiting for kittens to take over TV but these shows aren't too bad for humans.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008


So a friend of Mom and Dad's was trying to get me to start an account. Well, with the economy and Mom's concern about her job and the fact that Dad hasn't officially started his job, it's a little tough right now, but I did start a character. It was a tough call - what type do I go for: druid or hunter. Well, I finally decided I'd go for a hunter so look out WoW here I come.

Mom was doing better this morning, but they went to bed EARLY last night. I'd gotten used to a slightly later bedtime. I guess I'll have to adjust, a little bit. For now, it's back to playing, napping, and eating.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Staying close to family

So yeah, I got tired of blogging. I got tired of twittering. I needed a break. I don't have a good excuse. It's not like I was out saving the world (well, I was when Mom and Dad are away I log onto their WoW accounts. I'm not sure they know this yet, so please -- shhhhhh). Life is pretty much the same these days. I eat, I sleep, I play. The biggest change is I have a bigger playground!

Last week I finally found my way past the gate. And then I found my way upstairs. All by myself. let me tell you, I love this house. I love the chance to roam free. And I'm starting to get a hang of these other cats. Although, lately Butter has been pushing my buttons. But if there's one thing I've learned from watching Fudge, it's to be patient. So I'm just waiting to see what happens.

It was very nice to meet my other grandparents. I think Grandma Kansas... I mean Dorothy was disappointed I wasn't more cuddly. Can you blame me when you finally let me have full access to the house that I could possibly stay in one place for long? But I got toys! Lots and lots of fun toys from everyone. Grandma Dorothy and Grandpa Skip brought me some balls, Grandma Sue brought be a weird glove and one of Mom's friends gave me thiis fun scratching pad and something like a sleeping bag (that one I do not like, despite Dad's best and worst efforts).

The one thing I've learned though, is Mom and Dad are not ready for me to have full run of the house. So when they are around I try to stay close. You know, looking after your parents can be a full-time job sometimes. And with Mom getting sick the last couple days, well... staying close makes the most sense. Of course, if they would let me eat something besides the Science Diet... like human food.

Well, gotta go. A friend of Dad's is upset with him and he needs the computer back.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What is a Kitten to Do?

Life is settling into the same old same old. Mom gets up to shower, gets ready for work. Dad finally wakes and gets on computer. Sometimes he plays with me first but usually I get to run around and around and around. But I'm not going to complain. I have freedom, at least more freedom. My parents don't understand why I like to sit in the door to the bathroom.; what's not to like? I can see so much more. I can see other people and other cats wandering around. But I'm going to enjoy it while I can because I hear Dad starts work in two weeks and that means I'm back into the room, all-day, by myself.

The weather is nice outside, so Dad's been leaving the window open. I'm not a big fan of nature, but that window is lots of fun to play in. But Dad's desk, Mom's laptop back and Dad's government book are also fun places to play or nap.

I figure if I can't start school yet, I can learn through osmosis!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What's the Big Deal?

I'm a kitten. So what's so important about how long I am? Or how big my paws have gotten? I'm a growing cat, what do all these people expect? AND, although I love the attention why is my life like feast or famine. One day all I see is the usual parade of family, and the next I see and meet 3 or 4 new people?

Sure I'm cute, but right now all I want is some attention from my parents, a nice place to sleep (floor, chair, Mom's school bag, Dad's computer desk, Dad's government book, wherever), and some food (that isn't constantly being poached by Ms Queen of the Neighborhood). Dad always says I shouldn't complain too much; I have a good life.